South Melbourne 03 9699 2499   |   Point Cook 03 8386 7400   

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A South Melbourne & Point Cook Physical Therapy Clinics Putting You First.Don’t Put Up With Pain. Start Healing Now.

    South Melbourne
  • 300 Albert Road
  • South Melbourne VIC 3205
  • Phone
  • 03 9699 2499

    Point Cook
  • 220 Point Cook Road
  • Point Cook VIC 3030
  • Phone
  • 03 8386 7400

    Opening Hours
  • Mon to Fri 8:00am – 6:00pm
  • Saturday 8:00am – 1:00pm

Yes, please bring any relevant health information to your consultation. This may include CT- Scan, MRI, diagnostic ultrasound or even blood tests. The more information provided helps the Osteopath make a accurate diagnosis. Please keep in mind if any further testing is needed the Osteopath will arrange for appropriate referrals.

Osteopathy treat of a wide variety of musculo-skeletal problems, but it also has a role to play in the management of a number of other conditions. The most common complaints for which patients consult Osteopaths include:

> back and neck pain,
> sciatica,
> headaches,
> pains in peripheral joints such as shoulders, knees and ankles, tendinitis and muscle strains,
> work-related and repetitive strain injuries, and
> sports-related injuries.
However, Osteopathy can also play a significant role in pain management or when used in conjunction with medical treatment.
Many mothers-to-be find Osteopathic treatment very beneficial both to reduce back pain during pregnancy and also to help prepare the body for birth. In addition, there is a wide variety of gentle non-manipulative techniques for use on infants and small children.

Yes, please bring any relevant health information to your consultation. This may include CT- Scan, MRI, diagnostic ultrasound or even blood tests. The more information provided helps the Osteopath make an accurate diagnosis. Please keep in mind if any further testing is needed the Osteopath will arrange for appropriate referrals.

No. As Osteopaths are primary health care providers appointments can be made by calling the clinic directly on 03 9699 2499.

Yes, please bring any relevant health information to your consultation. This may include CT- Scan, MRI, diagnostic ultrasound or even blood tests. The more information provided helps the Osteopath make an accurate diagnosis. Please keep in mind if any further testing is needed the Osteopath will arrange for appropriate referrals.